Triumph Unveiled: Behind the Scenes of Winning Campaigns

Ready to organize on the ground to save democracy? Learn from the experts themselves during this panel of leaders of some of the most impactful, winning campaigns of the past election cycle. Join a very special host (TBA soon) in celebrating some of our movements’ biggest victories. You’ll learn tips and tricks from the best in the business and leave this session excited and revitalized, with big ideas on how to run and win your next local campaign. Let’s make government work for us.

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AI vs Democracy: Clash of the Titans or Unholy Alliance

Worried about the threat that AI poses to democracy and America’s most vulnerable groups? Think the government should leverage AI to help build a better future? Join a panel of the world’s leading thinkers as they debate the threats, the opportunities, and what the future holds for AI. This one-of-a-kind panel is not to be missed.

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Learn to Inspire

This is an example of a Session text. You can add as many details as you want. This is the best place to express why attendees should attend the session and talk about the speaker/performer.

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